Add stock counter or out-of-stock indicator


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Adding a stock counter to an online store is a time-tested way to create a sense of urgency for your customers and increase store conversion. Technically these counters can be added to any page of a Shopify store, but it makes the most sense to add them to the pages where products are displayed, like on a product or a collection page.

There are three ways to enable this feature: you can try the basic Shopify settings, install an app, or modify the code of your theme. Let’s go through each of the ways.

Options provided by Shopify

Depending on a theme, there might be some built-in settings that provide this functionality. You may check the default settings of your theme editor, sometimes they allow you to add a stock notice and even change its wording. 

An app from a Shopify App Store

There are many types of inventory counter apps with different options and functionality to offer. Most of them offer a vast array of features and require a monthly fee for using the app. But if your requirements are above the basic settings, you might need custom coding. 

Editing your theme’s code

Depending on the results you need to achieve, this way may be the best option as it allows solving the issue once and for all, keeping the specifics of your business and your theme in mind. 

We can help you achieve the results you need if you require more than the standard options have to offer. Just order the small task from our Shopify development team and get the job done in the most efficient way possible!

Please kindly note that the price can change based on your specific requirements.


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